自定 PSP 固件(firmware)

2006-07-16 22:08:51 神评论

17173 新闻导语





补充:只供 psp 1.5使用

这个工具不是像一般的自制软件(homebrew)拷贝到记忆棒上并运行,而是通过往PSP系统内部写入文件,来实现一些功能,实际上是 个非常简单的刷机,过程不到一秒钟。








以下是原文,转自 qj.net

It?s been awhile since I?ve written an article, but I couldn?t miss out on this one. Dark_AleX, the author of many firmware hacks and mods, such as the PRX Decrypters and some of the latest downgraders we?re sure you?ve heard about, has now released his latest creation - Custom Firmware: The proof of concept.

As you can tell from the name of it, it is a customized firmware, which is still in its early stage. Dark_AleX has added quite some features to this firmware, and will make you actually burn this firmware into your PSP. Although he has already tried this on his own PSP, this doesn?t mean he takes any responsibility on unpredicted casualties. So, you are warned, you will take a risk of bricking your PSP if you try this out (but in fact whatever you are doing with homebrew, you take that warning for sure). And don?t worry about going back to the official firmware. I will explain later.

Here are the features of this firmware:

Execution of normal pbp?s (1.00 ones, no-kxploited)
- This means you will no longer need to have 2 similar folders in your PSP/GAME folder to make a homebrew run. Very convenient.
Possibility of hiding corrupt icons. (Note: by default it?s not enabled, look at the file /PSP/SYSTEM/config.txt to see how to enable it).
- So, even if you stick with 2-folder 1.50 PBPs, you will feel better with this feature.

Possibility of skipping the SCE logo at the startup. (and in this way avoid the annoying auto-execution of the UMD). Like the previous one, this is not enabled by default.
- What else can we say? This is of course useful: no stupid auto-start when you forget to take your UMD out of the UMD drive. Great.

"Recovery mode:". If you keep R pressed while starting the psp, it will enter in "Recovery mode".
Recovery mode is not more than a simple application that will let you to use the usb, and execute a program under ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP, that could be, for example, a sony updater or the 1.50 -> 1.00 downdater.
This would allow to recover potential bricks caused by the writing of bad fonts/videos/sounds... to the flash.
(Note that this wouldn?t allow to recover critical things like the overwriting of critical prx?s)
- Yes, you read it. With this mod, you may have a chance to unbrick your PSP, if it was caused by the writing of bad fonts/videos/sounds to the flash. (Note that this wouldn?t allow to recover critical things like the overwriting of critical prx?s)
Autoexecution of a program at the startup. See the configuration file at /PSP/SYSTEM/config.txt to see how to use it.
- Very handy, especially for folks who want to boot directly to DevHook nowadays, or any favorite program immediately.

How to install it then? Very simple. After downloaded the zip file and opened it, you will see 4 items. Just drag & drop the "PSP" one into the root of your memory stick, and proceed with any overwrite warnings.

You can access the file "config.txt" in PSP/SYSTEM with your notepad program, to modify your experience with this mod later. This file is well commented, you will understand what to do when you see it on your own. After the files are copied, you just browse to the program "Custom Firmware - The proof of concept" and run. Files will be flashed to your PSP. And then, you are done.

We can tell that there can be many possibilities thru this kind of customized firmware. In fact, we cannot tell what the future of custom firmware holds right now, but we are definitely looking forward to see how this unfolds. And let?s cheer again for the  inspired developer Dark_AleX and his latest creation! Thanks!



从我刚刚写完了一篇文章,但是我不能错过这个,Daek_Alex,这个家伙破解和修改了很多PSP固件(firmware),例如 PRX Decrypters和那个你肯定知道的最新的降级程序。他现在又发布了他最新的作品 - 自定固件 The proof of concept。


Here are the features of this firmware:

实行普通PSP模式(PSP1.0, 无kxploited)

-        这意味着在你的PSP/GAME文件夹里,不再需要那两个相似的文件夹 (例如Neo  Neo%)这样可以非常方便地运行自制软件。

隐藏 错误图标(corrupt icons.)(默认情况下,这个功能是关闭的,查看/PSP/SYSTEM/config.txt文件可以知道如何开启这个功能)

所以,如果你有两个1.50 PBP文件夹的话,这个功能会让你感觉好一些。





-        注意,这个功能不会恢复那些关键的prx。
-        使用这个功能,你可以有治愈你的板砖的机会,前提是如果因为在Flash里写入了错误的字体,视频,或者音频而导致的,而像覆盖prx文件这样的系统恢复是不允许的。

启动时自动运行程序。查看PSP/SYSTEM/config.txt 这个配置文件来确定如何使用这个功能。
非常方便的功能,尤其是对于那些想启动就直接进入Devhook ,或者其他程序的家伙们。


你可以在PSP/SYSTEM 文件夹里用记事本打开 config.txt文件,之后你就可以根据你的经验来修改它了。这个文件解释得非常详细,你可以明白你该怎么做。文件拷贝完之后,找到"Custom Firmware - The proof of concept",运行它,然后文件就会被烧入到你的PSP里,完工。









这是那个配置文档里的内容,刷完后,在PSP/SYSTEM  文件夹里打开 config.txt 这个文件,简单修改一下就行

############### Configuration file for the Custom Firmware - Proof of Concept #############

# Set it to true if you want to enable the execution of normal pbp?s, no-kxploited
nokxploit = true;

# Set it to true if you want to hide the icons
# Note: if you have a lot of things in the game folder, it could cause a slowdown
hidecorrupt = true;        -------------------------------改成true  这样就隐藏了那些错误图标

# Set it to true if you want to skip the ?CE logo. In this way you can also skip
# the auto-execution of the umd that so many people hate :)
skiplogo = true;-----------------------------------改成true 去掉开机动画 和自动运行UMD            

# Specify a program to autoexecute at startup.
# Example1:
#autoboot = "ms0:/PSP/GAME/IRSHELL/EBOOT.PBP";
# Example2:
#autoboot = "ms0:/PSP/GAME/DEVHOOK/EBOOT.PBP";

#Specify a maximum of 10 modules to load and start at the startup with the vsh. ------下面这些先不管

#loadmodule0 = "ms0:/PSPLINK/psplink.prx"
#loadmodule1 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule2 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule3 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule4 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule5 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule6 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule7 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule8 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule9 = "blahblah"

包括本人在内,很多人已经使用顺利地使用这个东西了,不要害怕刷机这个字眼  :)



