
2012-01-04 00:00:00 神评论

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Quests  & Dialogue 任务和对话
Radiant  Story: Many quests are still completely governed by Bethesda, but the Radiant  Story system helps randomize and relate the side quests to players to make  the experience as dynamic and reactive as possible. Rather than inundate you  with a string of unrelated and mundane tasks, it tailors missions based on  who your character is, where you're at, what you've done in the past, and  what you're currently doing. Radiant Story is also smart enough to know which  caves and dungeons you've already visited and thus conditionalize where, for  instance, a kidnapped person is being held to direct you toward a specific  place you haven't been to before, populated with a specific level of enemy.  Skyrim also tracks your friendships and grudges to generate missions. Do a  small favor for a farmer and it may eventually lead to a larger quest. Some  NPCs will even agree to be your companion to help you out in specific  situations. 亮点任务:很多任务还是完全被Bethesda左右着,但是亮点任务系统可以尽可能地动态和互动地给玩家提供随机和相关的支线任务,与一般用主线任务或者无关和普通的任务来把主角淹没,本系统将根据不同角色、不同地点、角色过去的行为和现在的举动来适配不同的任务。亮点任务还能智能化的计算你去过的洞穴和地牢,给出不同的状况,比如,当一个人被绑架了,系统会指引你去往一个你没去过的地方,遭遇一些特定等级的敌人。系统还会根据你的喜恶来产生任务。给一个农民一点小帮助也许就会引出一个大的任务链。某些特定情形下有些NPC甚至会成为你的同伴来帮助你。
Main  Questline is approximately 30 hours. 主线任务大约在30小时。
It's  possible to play after finishing the Main Quest. 主线任务结束后还能继续游戏。
Taverns  will play a large role in getting information, gossip and rumors from a town  as it's naturally where most people go after working, and you can listen to  peoples conversation and learn more about the town and/or Skyrim itself. 旅店是在收集镇上的各种信息、流言和谣言方面扮演重要角色,因为很自然大多数人会在工作后过来喝几杯,你可以在在此听听人们的对话,了解更多镇上的事情,或者天际省本身。
People  will be more vague or specific when talking to you or giving you quests  depending on how much they like you. 人们和你谈话或者给你任务时是否含糊其辞还是很具体,取决于他们对你的认可程度。
There  are more ways to complete quests. 完成任务的方法远远不止于一种。
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General  Combat 基本战斗
An  overhauled combat-system. 提高的战斗系统。
Inter-changeable  dual-wielding with both weapons and spells. Dual-wield any combination, even  staffs! 双手武器或者双手魔法或者一只手武器一只手魔法,双持系统可任意组合,甚至法杖。
Staggering  effects and camera shake. 摇晃效果和视角震动。(应指战斗中会有摇晃和震动的效果)
Switching  between loadouts on the fly is made easier thanks to a new quick-select menu  that allows you to "bookmark" all of your favorite spells, shouts,  and weapons for easy access. 新的快速选择菜单可以让你在行囊和魔法中快速切换,你可以标记你喜爱的法术、武器来快速应用。
There  are non-lethal tavern brawls in the game. 游戏里会有一些不致命的酒馆斗殴事件。
There  are more weapon and armor types in Skyrim compared to Oblivion. 和Oblivion相比,Skyrim内的武器和盔甲更多。
Special  kill animations: Depending on your weapon, the enemy, and the fight  conditions, you may execute a devastating finishing move that extinguishes  enemies with a stylistic flourish. 特殊的击杀动作:取决于你的武器、敌人、战斗情况,你可以用一个华丽、有型又毁灭性的终结技来干掉你的敌人。
Specializing  in a particular weapon is often the best way to go, as you can improve your  attacking skills with perks. For instance, the sword perk increases your  chances of landing critical strikes, the axe perk punishes enemies with  bleeding damage after blows, and the mace perk ignores enemy armour. 专注于一种特定的武器是一种好的选择,你可以用奖励点来提高你的攻击技能。比如,投在剑类的奖励点可以提高你释放重击的机会,投入在斧类的奖励点可以在对敌打击后造成出血伤害,而投入在锤类上的奖励点可以使你的打击无视敌人的护甲。
You can  poison your weapon with various types of poison. 你可以用各种各样的毒药来给你的武器上毒。
There is  decapitation. 可以斩首。
There is  no locational damage. 伤害部位没有差别。(遗憾)
Equipment  don't have a durability, so you won't have to repair it. 装备现在没有耐久度啦,所以不需要再修理了。
You can  apply "upgrades" to your equipment. 你可以对你的装备进行升级。
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Armor 护甲
Cuirass  and Greaves are combined. 胸甲和胫甲现在整合在一起。
Common  armor like leather and steel have a more Nordic feel compared to Oblivion and  Morrowind. 普通的皮甲、铁甲现在比起以往的游戏更具北欧风格。
Confirmed  types of armor: Chain-mail, Steel, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, Glass, Daedric,  Ebony, Dragon, Leather, Hide, Imperial. 确认会有的护甲:链甲,钢甲,矮人甲,精灵甲,兽人甲,玻璃甲,恶魔甲,乌木甲,龙皮甲,皮甲,兽毛皮甲,帝国甲。
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Melee 近战
Magnetism'  in your attacks draws them more towards enemies rather than allies. 磁性在你的攻击中对敌人吸取的比对友军吸取的更多。(4代中我查到有Secunda's  Magnetism,加强魅力20点,吸取运气20点)
You can  bash enemies with your shield. 你可以用你的盾牌猛击敌人。
When  backstabbing characters from the shadows, a dagger deals significantly more  damage than any other type of weapon, making it the perfect tool for an  assassin. 当在阴影中背刺敌人时,匕首比其它任何武器要造成多得多的伤害,无愧于最佳刺杀武器。
You can  use Power Attacks by holding down the attack button, which staggers enemies,  but drains your Stamina. 你可以按住攻击键来释放重击,可以让你的敌人踉跄不止,但是会消耗一定的精力。
Torches  can be used as weapons. 火把也可以用来战斗了。
Hand to  Hand attacks have a much improved gravity and physicality. 徒手战斗极大提高了。
You can  not block while dual-wielding. (Though you can block while wielding a weapon  in your left hand, but not in your right hand.) 你在双持时无法格挡。(但是当你左手装备武器时可以格挡,但右手持武器左手是魔法时无法格挡。)
Confirmed  types of weapons: Iron, Steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Glass, Daedric, Ebony,  Dragon. 确认的武器:铁,钢,矮人,兽人,玻璃,恶魔,乌木,龙。
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Archery 弓箭
Ranged  combat has been improved by significantly increasing the damage bows deal,  while making the draw-time longer. 远程攻击被极大的提高了,当拉弓时间延长时,弓箭可以造成更大伤害。
Arrows  are more rare than in Oblivion and Morrowind. 比起前二代,箭矢更加稀有了。
Confirmed  types of weapons: Long Bows, Hunting Bows. 确认的武器:长弓,猎弓。
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Magic 魔法
5 Magic  Schools: Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration, Restoration & Illusion. 5中法术分类:毁灭系,改变系,法术召唤系,回复系,幻术系
There  are over 85 spells usable to the player. 玩家有超过85中法术可用。
Spells  needs to be equipped to be cast. 法术也需装备后才能施放。
You can  dual-wield similar spells to double the damage at a higher magicka  consumption. 可以双手同时释放相似的法术来造成更大的伤害,同时消耗更多魔法。
Some  spells can be learned by reading spell tomes, while others can be bought from  merchants. 有些法术可以从法术书上学习,有些需要从商人处购买。
If you  cast a frost spell, you'll see the effects on the enemy's skin. If using a  flame thrower, the environment will catch fire for a short while and burn  anything that comes into contact with it. 如果释放了一个冰霜法术,你可以从敌人的皮肤上看到效果。如果释放了一个火球,周围的环境会烧一会儿,而火球接触到的事物都会烧起来。
Fire  deals the highest amount of damage, shock deals less damage, but drains the  enemy's magicka, while frost deals the least damage, but drains stamina and  slows down enemies physically. 火球的伤害最高,闪电的伤害稍低但能燃烧敌人的魔法,冰霜类法术伤害最低但是可以燃烧敌人的精力,同时让敌人物理移动变慢。
Light  magic sticks to walls. 光类法术粘附在墙上。
There  are robes which will increase your magic capabilities. 有一些长袍可以增强你的法术能力。
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Way of  the Voice (Dragon Shouts) 声音的力量(龙吼)
"A  long practiced spiritual form of Nordic magic, also known as the Tongues,  that is based on their worship of the Wind as a personification of Kynareth.  Through the use of the Voice the power of a Nord can be formed into a thu'um,  or shout - which has a large variety of applications (anything from  sharpening blades to a long range weapon). Master Voices (known simply as  Tongues) have legendary, and often unbelievable powers, including talking to  people of hundreds of miles away or teleportation. The most powerful masters  must even be careful whenever they speak, as their voice can cause great  destruction and they are commonly gagged. During the Conquest of Morrowind,  the Nordic war chiefs were also Tongues (Derek the Tall, Jorg Helmborg, Hoag  Merkiller). They needed no typical siege weapons when attacking a city as  they merely used the Voice to break down the city gate and allow their armies  to storm in. The future of the Tongues was forever changed by the most  powerful Tongue, Jurgen Windcaller, also better known as the Calm. Jurgen  converted to a pacifist and refused to use the Voice for any martial  purposes. In a confrontation with 17 other tongues he reportedly swallowed  the Shouts of the 17 for three days until they lay exhausted, later to become  his followers. Today, all Tongues live secluded lives on the highest peaks of  Skyrim in tough conditions and contemplation, and have only spoken to  announce the destiny of the great Tiber Septim (who later created an Imperial  College of the Voice in Markarth, returning the Voice to the art of warfare).  Those known as Dovahkiin, Dragonborn, can use a type of magic known as  "Dragon Shouts." Dragon shouts are spoken in the Dragon Language,  and can manipulate dragons in a variety of unknown ways, as well as  performing other kinds of magic, also undocumented." 诺德魔法中需要长期训练的精神力量,也叫做龙语。这来源于诺德人对风女神凯娜瑞斯的崇拜。通过使用声音诺德人的力量可以形成一股吼声——具有很多种不同的应用(比如使刀刃锋利,可以攻击更远。——是剑气?)龙吼的力量传奇而难以置信,包括可以和几百里外的人对话或者传送。龙吼大师们交谈时必须非常谨慎,因为他们的声音可以导致毁灭,所以他们的嘴巴往往是紧闭的。在征服晨风省时,诺德人的领袖都是龙语者(Derek,  Jorg, Hoag)。进攻城市时他们不需要攻城武器,只需使用龙吼震开城门让他们的军队涌入。龙吼的未来被最强的龙语者杰庚·唤风者——也叫做镇静者,永远改变了。杰庚转变为一名和平主义者,拒绝将龙吼用于任何军事目的。据传,在一场对决中,他吞咽了17名对手的吼声三天三夜,直至对手力竭倒地,这些人后来成为了他的跟随者。现在,所有的龙语者都与世隔绝地居住在天际省的最高峰上,过着艰苦而专注的日子。只宣布过一次关于伟大的泰伯·塞普丁的命运(他后来在马卡斯创建了帝国龙语学院,把龙吼再次回归于军事艺术)。那些被人称为DOVAHKIIN,龙之后裔的人,可以运用一种叫做龙吼的魔法。龙吼是用龙语说出,可以用一些未知的方法操纵巨龙,也可以施放其他的一些未曾记录的法术。
You will  be able to use Dragon Shouts. 玩家可以使用龙吼。
There  are 20 different Shouts, each with three levels of power. 有20种不同的龙吼,每种都有三个等级。
You  first have to learn the word form an ancient rune, then you need to absorb  the soul of a dragon to be able to use it. 你必须先从一些古代的遗迹中学习龙的文字,然后必须吸收到龙的灵魂后才能施放。
One  shout lets you slow down time, another lets you move stealthily close to an  enemy in a mere instant and one shout will even let you summon a dragon! 其中一种可以令时间变慢,另一种可以让你几乎瞬间达到敌人的后背,甚至还有一种可以直接召唤一条巨龙!
Shouts  has a cooldown time. 龙吼有冷却时间。
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Confirmed  Dragon Shouts 确认的龙吼
Fus Ro  Dah (Force Balance Push): Fus Ro Dah (力与平衡之推)
Force  wave that damages and pushes away enemies. 释放力量波伤害并且推开敌人
Liz Slen  Nus (Ice Flesh Statue): Liz Slen Nus (冰封血肉雕像)
Level 2:  Summons a wave of ice crystals. 等级2:召唤一波冰晶
Level 3:  Freezes and traps enemies in a block of ice. 等级3:将敌人冰封在一块冰中。
Strun  Bah Ao (Storm Lightning Wrath): Strun Bah Ao (雷暴之怒)
Summons  a lightning storm to damage nearby enemies with lightning. 召唤一次雷暴,用闪电打击周围的敌人。
Yol Toor  Krein (Fire Inferno Sun): Yol Toor Krein (地狱火炙阳)
Breath  fire upon enemies. 向敌人喷射出地狱怒火。
Tild Klo  Ui (Time Sand Eternity): Tild Klo Ui (永恒时间之沙)
Slows  down time around the player. 将玩家周围的时间变慢。
Lein ???  ??? (Whirlwind Sprint): Lein ? ? (旋风之疾)
Grants  the player the ability to spring at incredible speeds. 赋予玩家可以用难以置信的速度猛冲的能力
??? ???  Dovah (Summon Dragon): ?? ?? Dovah (召唤巨龙)
Summons  a dragon that aids the player. 召唤一条巨龙帮助玩家。
??? ???  ??? (Teleport): ?? ?? ?? (传送)
Teleports  the player behind the enemy. 将玩家传送到敌人后面。
??? ???  ??? (Elemental Fury): ?? ?? ??(元素之怒)
Shout at  your weapon and you can deal damage faster. 向你的武器怒吼,使你可以更快攻击。
Fin Zi  Gron (Fade, Spirit, Bind): Fin Zi Gron ( 淡出,精神,束缚)
Allows  you to become immune to damage for a short period of time, however, you will  be unable to fight. 让你在短时间内免疫伤害,但是无法攻击。
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AI, NPCs  & Creatures AI, NPCs & 生物
New,  updated Radiant AI: You won't find townspeople loitering aimlessly in town  squares anymore. Each NPC performs tasks that make sense in their  environment. To impart the towns and cities with a greater sense of life,  Bethesda has populated them with mills, farms, and mines that give the NPCs  believable tasks to occupy their day. The improved Radiant AI technology is  also more aware of how a citizen should react to your actions. As you perform  tasks for them or terrorize them by ransacking their home, the NPCs develop  feelings about you. If you're good friends with a particular NPC and barge  into his house during the middle of the night, he may offer you lodging  rather than demand you leave the premises. If you swing your weapon near an  NPC, knock items off their dinner table, or try to steal something of value,  they'll react with an appropriate level of hostility given their prior  relationship to you. If you drop an item on the ground near NPCs they will  react to that as well, such as a child might try to give you the sword back,  two men will fight over it or someone might even try to kill you with it if  they dislike you. When NPCs think they see or hear something, they go into an  alert state, instead of instantly attacking you. Players with a higher sneak  skill will have more time to duck back around the corner or find sanctuary in  the shadows. 焕然一新的Radiant  AI:镇上的哦居民不再漫无目的的闲逛。每个环境中的人都有相符的行为和任务。为了让城镇的居民更具有生活气息,Bethesda把他们放入工场,农场还有矿厂,让NPC可以在忙碌中度过每一天。改善的Radiant  AI技术可以决定市民如何对你的行为做出反应。当你为他们完成任务,或者因洗劫他们的家而恐吓到他们,NPCS对你的感觉会逐渐发展。如果你在NPC身边舞刀弄剑,或者把他们餐桌上的东西撞倒,或企图盗窃钱财,他们会根据以前跟你的关系作出适度的敌意反应。如果你把东西在他们附近乱丢,NPCS也会做出反应,比如小孩会尝试把剑捡起来然后还给你,俩个男人则可能为之争斗,如果有人不喜欢你他们可能会用这把剑来杀你。当NPCs认为他们看到或听到了什么,会进入警戒状态,而不是立即攻击你。具有更高潜行技能的玩家可以籍此躲到角落或者隐入黑暗。
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When  you approach an NPC, they will engage in dialogue with you, while continuing  to do their task or making gestures or pacing around, depending on what their  personality is. 当你走向一个NPC,他们会和你谈话,但是会继续原来的活计,或者做一些姿势,或者走来走去,取决于他们的性格。
If you  kill a shop owner, their family member will inherit the shop and will be  angry about you, but still give you missions, which could then improve your  relation with them. 如果你杀死了一个店主,他们的家庭成员会继承这家店,对你生气,但是还会给你任务,以此你可以尝试改善和他们的关系。
Main-Quest  Givers are Essential. 主线任务的发布人是不死的。
You can  make friends by doing quests for people, thus making them act differently  towards you, and they might even join you on an adventure. 通过任务你可以交朋友,让他们对你的态度改变,他们也许会在一场冒险中加入你。
Male and  female characters will have some different animations, and beast races will  have unique animations. 男人和女人会有不同的动作,动物们也有各自不同的动作。
There  are NPC Children. 现在有NPC小孩了。
Even  minor NPCs have much more complexity and depth compared to Oblivion. 与Oblivion相比,NPCS的复杂度和深度都有极大提高。
You can  persuade various random NPCs to accompany you and they feel like fleshed out,  interesting companions. 你可以说服随机的NPC和你作伴,他们都形象饱满,兴趣盎然。
There  are bards in taverns, who plays tunes, and you can pay them to play another  tune. 旅店里有吟游诗人演奏曲子,你可以花钱让他们演奏其他的曲子。
You can  hire companions to join you in your adventures. 你可以花钱雇佣同伴来探险。
You can  have animal companions. 你可以拥有动物同伴。
M'aiq  the liar is back! 说谎者麦克回归了。
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Creatures  & Mounts 生物和坐骑
Confirmed  creatures: Bats, Bears, Bees, Boars, Dogs, Dragons, Draughr, Dwemer Centurion  Spheres, Elks, Foxes, Frost Atronaches, Giants, Giant Spiders, Glow Worms,  Horkers, Horses, Ice Golems, Ice Wraiths, Luna Moths, Mammoths, Mud Crabs,  Rabbits, Saber-Toothed Cats, Salmon, Skeevers, Skeletons, Spiders, Spriggans,  Torch Bugs, Trolls, Vampires, Wolves, Zombies. 确认的生物:蝙蝠,熊,蜜蜂,野猪,狗,龙,Draughr,Dwenmer(矮人),Centurion  Spheres, 麋鹿,护理,冰晶巨人,巨人,巨蛛,Glow Worms,horkers(一种两栖生物),马,冰傀儡,冰灵,luna moths,  猛犸,螃蟹,兔子,猫,大马哈鱼,大老鼠,骷髅,蜘蛛,树精,火炬虫,巨魔,吸血鬼,狼人,僵尸。。。
Random  spawns are scaled (stronger enemies appear at higher levels), but weak  enemies aren't written out of the system, just become less common. 随机生成提升了,当等级更高时更强的敌人会出现,但是弱小的敌人没有从游戏内删除,只是变得稀少了。
A single  spawn at lower levels can have enemies spawning in pairs at higher levels. 低级时只有一只的生物刷新点可能在高级时刷新一对,或更多?
Stronger  enemies exist in the world at the start of the game, but you're usually given  enough warning if you don't want to fight anything too strong. 游戏开始时就有更强的敌人存在,但是你接近时会得到警报,如果你还不想这么早挂的话。。。
Giants  herds mammoths, and travels together in packs, ignoring the player if  undisturbed. 巨人放牧猛犸,通常结群旅行,如果不被打扰时会忽略玩家。
You can  mount horses, which are more detailed than ever before! 可以骑马,马的细节更加丰富了。
Some  insects can be killed. 有些昆虫也可以被杀死。
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For more detailed information on dragons, check  out Cipher 8's "Dragons Info"! 更多的细节请参看Cipher 8的龙的信息!
Dragons  respawns just like other creatures. 龙也像其他生物一样是会刷新的。
There  are different kinds of Dragons. 龙的种类不同。
You can  not mount & fly dragons. 你不能骑着龙飞。
Some  Dragons are scripted, while others appear randomly. 有些龙是有剧情的,但是其他的是随机出现的。
Dragons  can pick people up from the ground. 巨龙可以把人从地面抓起。
When  dragons are critically injured, they can't fly, and will land or crash to the  ground. 当巨龙受到严重的伤害,他们不能再飞,会降落或坠落在地面。
Dragons  leaves scars and marks everywhere: when they crash or land on the ground and  when they breath fire upon the environment, etc. 巨龙到处留下痕迹:当降落或坠落地面,或者喷出龙息烧毁环境等等。
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Plot & Lore (UESP) 剧情和传说 (UESP)
TES V  takes place 2 Centuries (200 years) after Oblivion. The King of Skyrim is  dead, which has sparked a civil war. You are the last Dragonborn, a group  characterized by their ability to hunt dragons. You are a prisoner. The  Septim line was a prominent Dragonborn line protected by the Dragonguards  which eventually became the blades. After the death of the Septim line, the  Blades were hunted down and killed one by one and now are almost completely  gone. The return of the dragons was foretold in the Elder Scrolls and was  ushered in by the destruction of the Staff of Chaos, the creation of the  Numidium, the events at Red Mountain and the Oblivion Crisis. There is a  blade you come across, named Esbern (Voiced by Max Von Sydow.) that will  train and guide you through the game. The last event to unfold before the  dragons return was the people of Skyrim turning against each other which is  happening at the beginning of the game. Dragons start to appear in greater  and greater numbers as the game goes on and will eventually culminate with  Alduin possibly coming into the world. 5代发生于Oblivion之后的200年。天际省的国王死了,引发了一场内战。玩家是最后一个龙裔,一群据说可以猎杀巨龙的人。你是一个囚犯。塞普丁一支是最为著名的龙裔,他们被龙卫士保护,也就是后来的刀锋会。当塞普丁家族灭亡,刀锋会的成员被到处追杀,一个个的杀死,现在几乎彻底的消亡了。上古卷轴预言了巨龙的回归,归因于混乱之杖的摧毁,黄铜巨人Numidium的创造,红山的事迹和Oblivion的危机。你将会偶遇一位刀锋成员,叫做艾斯本(由马科斯?冯?西道配音),他将训练你,在整个游戏中指导你。在巨龙回归之前的最后一个事件就是天际省的人民互相内战??在游戏开始时发生。随着游戏的发展,巨龙越来越多,最终奥都因将降临到这个世界。
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First  Century 第一世纪
4E 0 —  End of the Oblivion Crisis 4E 0---Oblivion危机解除
The  banishing of Mehrunes Dagon from Tamriel by the Champion of Cyrodiil, Martin  Septim, and the avatar of Akatosh ends the Oblivion Crisis. The Septim  bloodline ends and the Amulet of Kings is destroyed. The Third Era ends,  marking the beginning of the Fourth. 随着塞瑞迪尔的英雄马丁·塞普丁的牺牲以及龙神Akatosh的化身的出现,将Dagon从泰姆瑞尔驱逐出去,Oblivion的危机结束了。塞普丁的血脉也随之消亡,帝王坠饰也被摧毁。第三纪元结束了,第四纪元开始。
The  Fourth Era begins with no Emperor on the throne of Tamriel. High Chancellor  Ocato, the Elder Council, and the Blades try to maintain order. The provinces  start to take advantage of the Empire's weakened state. 第四纪元开始时,泰姆瑞尔没有皇帝。总理奥卡托、上古议会还有刀锋会试图维持秩序。但其他的行省开始在帝国式微之下谋取各自的利益。
4E ?? —  Red Mountain erupts; Vvardenfell is destroyed. 4E ?? ——红山喷发;瓦登菲尔被摧毁。
In  Vivec's absence, the Ministry of Truth becomes unstable. Vuhon creates an  Ingenium that uses at first dozens of dying souls, then a small number of  living ones to stabilize the rock. The soul of Sul's wife Ilzheven was among  them. In a fight to free her, the Ingenium is destroyed and the rock crashes  into Vivec with all the energy it originally had. The impact causes Red  Mountain to erupt and destroys the entire island of Vvardenfell, as well as  causing massive destruction to the rest of the province. 随着VIVEC神的消失,真理内阁变得不稳定。Vuhon创造了引极枢纽设备来维持漂浮,起先他用了一些将死之人的灵魂,后来开始用小部分活人的灵魂来维持巨石。包括萨尔妻子伊兹贺汶的灵魂。于是萨尔发动战斗以释放妻子的灵魂,引极枢纽设备被摧毁,巨石失去动力,坠毁于Vivec城。曾经获得的能量被全部引爆,引发了红山的大爆发,摧毁了整个瓦登菲尔岛,对其他的行省也造成了巨大的损毁。
4E ?? —  The Empire Collapses 4E ??——帝国的崩溃
Black  Marsh secedes from the Empire; it is soon followed by Elsweyr. 黑沼泽乘机宣布独立于帝国;埃尔斯维尔紧接着也独立了。
The  Thalmor seize control of the old Aldmeri Dominion (Valenwood and the  Summerset Isle). 萨尔墨人夺取了古老的阿尔德美瑞自治省(包括维兰森林和夏暮岛)
The  Argonians invade and conquer Morrowind after the eruption of Red Mountain. 当红山大爆发时,亚龙人入侵并且征服了晨风省。
4E ?? —  Titus Mede is crowned the new emperor by conquest. 4E ??——提图斯·米德被征服者拥立为新的皇帝。
4E 18 —  Prince Attrebus Mede is born. 4E 18——皇子艾特里布斯·米德出生。
4E 23 —  Anna?g Ho?nart is born. 4E 23——阿纳伊戈·霍伊纳特出生。
4E 40s —  The Infernal City 4E 40年代——地狱之城
Umbriel,  a floating city, appears on the coast of Black Marsh, heading toward  Morrowind. The city of Lilmoth, Black Marsh, the home of Anna?g, is destroyed  in the process. 昂布瑞尔,一座漂浮的城市,在黑沼泽的海岸线上出现,向着晨风省漂浮着。黑沼泽省内的里尔莫斯,阿纳伊戈的故乡,在此过程中被摧毁了。
Third  Century 第三世纪
4E 200s  — The High King of Skyrim dies. 4E 200s——天际省的国王死去。
4E 200s  — The Nords of Skyrim engage in a civil war. 4E 200s——天际省的诺德人陷入了内战。
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Graphics,  Sound & Interface 图像,声音和操作界面
Graphics 图像
Havok  Behavior - Havok Behavior is a flexible animation tool that allows the  developers to rapidly prototype and preview new animations and blend them  together seamlessly with a few mouse clicks and minimal code support.  Bethesda is using it to create more nuance in character and creature  movement, govern special effects, and even to control how characters struggle  to move when trapped in environmental hazards like spider webs. Characters  now transition more realistically between walking, jogging and, running, and  the increased nuance between animations has allowed Bethesda to better  balance the combat in both first- and third-person perspective by adjusting  the timing values for swings and blocks depending on your perspective.  Perhaps the most impressive use of the Behavior technology is how Bethesda is  using it to create the dragon animations. Bethesda has worked meticulously to  make sure the beasts look powerful and menacing when banking, flapping their  wings, gaining altitude before making another strafing run, and breathing  fire on their hapless victims. None of the dragons' actions are scripted, and  Behavior helps make the movements look non-mechanical, even when the dragons  are speaking/shouting. Havok  Behavior——HB是一款灵活的动作工具,使用它使得开发人员能够迅捷的建立雏形和预览,并且只适用有限的鼠标点击和极少的代码就能实现将它们混合在一起进行无缝渲染。Bethesda正在使用它来创造角色之间的细微差别和生物的行动,控制特效,甚至来控制当角色被环境中的危险所困时——比如蛛网——如何挣扎。角色现在可以在更加真实的动作间变换,比如走路、慢跑和奔跑;而这种在动作中改善的细节使得Bethesda可以更佳地平衡第一人称和第三人称时的战斗方式,比如调整挥舞武器和格挡的时间值,取决于你的角度。也许最令人印象深刻的Behavior技术应用就是Bethesda如何创造巨龙的动作。他们一丝不苟的工作,确保这巨型生物在拍打地面或扇动翅膀时看起来强大,具有威胁性,拔起一定高度然后突然俯冲,对倒霉的目标喷出烈焰。没有一条巨龙的动作是用脚本完成的,Behavior工具让这些动作看起来不那么机械性,甚至当那些巨龙在说话和咆哮时。
Wind  will whip up the surface of bodies of water. 风会激起水浪。
Dynamic  Shadows. 动态阴影。
Snow  falls dynamically, painting the ground texture with snow. 雪动态地飘落,地面也会堆积起雪。(地面的材质也会渲染出雪)
Believable  water physics. 真实的水体物理性。
Faces  andmodels are improved. 脸部和模型都被改善了。
Draw  Distance is greatly increased, allowing for little to no grid pattern or low  resolution distant land. 远景渲染被极大的增强了,几乎不需要以前那种格子图案或低分辨率的远景。
SpeedTree  is not used: they've created their own platform that allows artists to build  whatever kind of trees they want and to dictate how they animate. Artists can  alter the weight of the branches to adjust how much they move in the wind,  which is an effective way of, for instance, actualizing the danger of  traversing steep mountain passes with howling winds violently shaking  branches. SpeedTree技术没有使用:Bethesda创造了自己的平台,来允许艺术家们随意地创造和布置树木,决定它们的动态。艺术家们可以调整树枝的高度来调整树木随风而动的程度。这非常有效,比如说,实现当你横贯陡峭山峰之间的小道时,咆哮的山风将使得树木狂摆。
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Sound 声音
Jeremy  Soule is composing the music. Jeremy Soule杰瑞米·索勒继续操刀。
Voice  Actors: Max Von Sydow (Esbern), Brandon Ellison (General), Anthony De Longis  (Mercer Frey), Rob Locke (Commoner / Additional Voices), Lani Minella (Dark  Elf / Night Mother / Nocturne), Wes Johnson, Lynda Carter, Craig Sechler, Jim  Cummings, Gideon Emery, Michael Mack (Male Redguards), Jonathan Bryce (Male  Khajiit/Argonian), Reese C. Hartwig (Young Male), Christopher Plummer  (Arngeir), Joan Allen (Delphine), Lynda Carter (Gormlaith Golden-Hilt),  Michael Hogan (Imperial General Tullius), Vladimir Kulich (Ulfric  Stormcloak), Claudia Christian (Legate Rikke), Diane Louise Salinger, Renee  Victor, George Coe. 配音演员:马科斯·冯·西道(艾斯本),布兰登·埃里森(总的,或是将军),安东尼·德·隆奇斯(梅瑟·弗雷),罗伯·洛克(平民,旁白),兰妮·米妮拉(黑精灵/夜之母/夜曲),韦斯·约翰逊,琳达·卡特,克莱格·席勒,吉姆·卡明斯,吉迪恩·艾米瑞,  麦克·马克(男性红卫人),强纳森·布莱斯(男性虎人/亚龙人),琳达·卡特(格姆莱斯·黄金刀柄),麦克·霍根(帝国将军图里乌斯),拉迪米·库利奇(乌弗瑞克·风暴斗篷),克劳迪娅·克里斯缇娜(勒盖特·瑞克),戴安娜·露易丝,塞林格,瑞尼·维克多,乔治·库伊。
There  are about 70 Voice Actors. 总计70余配音演员。
Approximately  60.000 lines of voiced dialogue. 大约6万条配音对话。
Your  character will shout, laugh and make combat grunts. 你的角色将会大叫,大笑,战斗中咕哝。
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Interface 界面
In  first-person, the HUD comes and goes when needed. 第一人称时,HUD可以隐藏。
Third-person  have been improved (Even with Cross-hair now!). 第三人称界面被极大提升,现在有十字星。
When  opening the menu, instead of returning you to the last page you visited as it  did in Oblivion, you are now presented with a simple compass interface that  offers four options. (Right: Inventory | Left: Magical Items | Down: Map  & Quests | Up: Skills) 当打开菜单时,跟Oblivion回到上次打开的那页不同,现在提供一个简单的指南针式界面,提供四个选项。右:物品,  左:魔法物品 下:地图和任务,上:技能。
Instead  of relegating players to looking at an item's name and stat attributes, each  possession is a tangible three dimensional item with it's own unique  qualities. 不再让玩家在一堆数据和名称乱找,现在每样物品都有实际的3D展示,显示其不同的特性。
Mapping:  Anything from your spell library or item inventory can be  "bookmarked" to the favorites menu with the press of a button. How  many items appear on that menu is up to each player. 映射:所有你技能库和物品栏内的物品都可以被“书签”到最爱菜单,同时对应一个按键。而那个我的最爱菜单上可以放多少物品取决于玩家。
The map  is a zoomed out version of the game world. 地图就是把游戏世界的镜头拉远。
Quest  Markers can be turned off. 任务标记可以被关闭。
The  Health-, Stamina- and Magicka bars is hidden when full. 健康度,精力和魔法条在满值时将会被隐藏。
HUD  Opacity can be turned down to zero. HUD透明度可以调到0。
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Environment 环境
Skyrim  hosts very unique landscapes and dungeons. 天际省拥有独特的风景和地牢。
There  are 5 major cities: Solitude, Riften, Whiterun, Windhelm and Markarth.  (Windhelm being the largest.) 共有5个主要的城市:索里图德,瑞夫滕,瓦特朗,风盔,马卡斯,其中风盔市是最大的。
There  are 8 or 9 smaller towns. 另有8到9个小镇。
There  are more than 130 dungeons, ranging from 15 minutes to 2 hours long. 总计130多地牢,探险时间从15分钟到2小时不等。
There  are over 100 points of interest across Skyrim. (including Giant camps,  Necromancer lairs & Altars to different gods (Aedra and Daedra)) 全省有超过100处值得探索的地点,包括巨人营地,死灵巫师巢穴,不同神灵的祭坛。
The  areal is approximately the size of Oblivion's Cyrodiil, but the rugged  landscape makes the world bigger, as you will need to go over or around  mountains to get anywhere. 地区面积相当于塞瑞迪尔行省,但崎岖的地形让这个世界更大,因为你必须绕路或者攀爬。
Traps  and puzzles are used to make dungeons more interesting. 陷阱和谜题使得地牢更加有趣。
Fish  jumps out of the water, and when swimming, you can even catch fish. 鱼会跳出水面,当你在水中游泳时,你甚至可以抓鱼。
Birds  flies in the air above you. 鸟在天空飞翔。
Every  town has it's own Economic System. If you destroy a city's means of income,  they'll need to buy from another nearby city, and prices in the city will go  up or some products will not be available in that city at all. 每个城镇都有自己的经济系统,如果你摧毁了一个城市的收入来源,他们将必须从附近的城市购买物品,而此城的物价将飞涨,或者有些商品将无从购买。
Every  big settlement has it's own unique culture & architecture. 每个大的定居点都有其独特的文化和建筑。
Dwemer  ruins are scattered across Skyrim. 矮人遗迹遍布天际省。
High  Hrothgar has 7000 steps. 世界之喉的霍斯加高峰有7000级台阶。
Some  locations will have enemies that are too strong for you, and you will have to  come back when you are more powerful, while some places will have weaker  enemies. 有些地点的敌人对你来说太过强大,最好等你变得更强时再来,而有些地方的敌人就很弱。
You can  knock oil lamps to the ground or set fire to oil, which will then cause the  ground to burn, and deal fire damage. 你可以把油灯扔在地上,然后点燃灯油,这会使得地面燃烧,造成火焰伤害。
Butterflies  will fly around flowers which can be picked for alchemical purposes. 蝴蝶会在花丛边飞舞,他们也可以被抓来炼金。
The  major cities are in their own cells, so to enter, a loading screen will  appear. 主城被放置于独立的计算空间,所以进入时会有读取界面。(open  city这下没希望了)
There  are hidden caves, hidden ships and secrets in the water. 水下有隐藏的洞穴,船只和秘密。
The  higher you climb, the more severe the weather gets. 爬得越高,气候越恶劣。
There  are rivers inside dungeons. 地牢内也有河流。
Some  buildings can be destroyed, but are rare. 有些建筑可以被摧毁,但是很少。
After  picking flowers, they are removed visually from the plant 当花被采后,将从植株上消失。
Flora:  Nirnroots Nirnroots这种植物还有。
There  are 13 Guardian Stones scattered across Skyrim, which will temporarily boost  your skills. 有13块守护石遍布天际省,它们可以暂时提升你的技能。
The city  of Winterhold is party submerged and in ruins. 永冬城部分淹没了,余下的成为废墟。
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Character 角色
There  is a soft level-cap at 50, but you can still level-up after this. (Highest  possible level is mathematically estimated to around 75) 顶级为50,但不是很严格,此后仍能升级,最高级别从数学上来估计大约等于75级。
There  are 3 attributes: Health, Magicka and Stamina - One of these can be increased  by 10 each level. 有三种属性,生命值,法力和精力,每一级你可选择三者中的一种增加10点。
Leveling  is faster than in previous games. 升级比前代快。
You can  Sprint, which drains your Stamina. 你可以猛冲,但会消耗精力。
Backwards  running speed has been reduced since Oblivion. 自从Oblivion开始,往后的速度就被调低了。
Sprinting  while wearing heavy armor drains Stamina faster. 当穿着重甲猛冲时,精力消耗更快。
Your  speed is governed by your stamina attribute and your equipment. Racial speed  is the same, so a khajiit will initially run at the same speed as an Orc. 速度由你的精力和你的装备控制。每个种族的速度都是一样的,所以虎人开始的时候跟兽人跑得一样快。
You can  become a Vampire. 你可以成为一个吸血鬼。
Magicka  & Health now regens pretty fast out of combat, and slowly while in  combat. 法力和生命值在平时恢复得很快,但在战斗中恢复很慢。
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Character  Generation 角色创建
In-depth  character customization that allows to change your character physique, give  them a beard, and other more detailed changes to your characters body. 深层次的定制化可以让你改变角色的体格,添加胡须,还有其他对你角色身体的细节调整。
There  are no Classes. 没有角色种类了,(魔法师,战斗法师,战士,等等。。)
There  are no Major/Minor Skills. 没有主次技能了。
There  are no Birth Signs. 没有出生星座了。
You can  apply face-paint to your character, and there is a myriad of different types. 可以在角色脸部绘制纹理,款式相当多。
There  are over 50 beards to apply to your character. 拥有50多种胡须。
There  are dozens of sliders for customization. 定制有很多的滑条。
Your  settings are remembered when switching between races. 当你定制好之后想切换种族,这些设定都会保留。
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Races 种族
There  are 10 playable races: Imperial, Nord, Redguard, Dark Elf (Dunmer), High Elf  (Altmer), Wood Elf (Bosmer), Orc, Khajiit, Argonian and Breton. 10个种族:帝国人,诺德,红卫,黑精灵,高精灵,木精灵,兽人,虎人,亚龙人,布雷登人。
There  are also a few unplayable races. 还有一些不能被选择的种族。
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Racial  Abilities 种族能力
Argonians 亚龙人
Histskin:  Significantly increases health regeneration speed. 一天一次,60秒内显著增加生命值恢复速度,10倍速度。
50%  resistance to diseases. 皮肤:50%对疾病的抵抗。
Breathe  underwater. 水下呼吸。
Breton 布雷登人
Magic  Resistance 25% 25%抵抗魔法。
Dragonskin:  Absorb 50% of the magicka from hostile spells for 60 seconds (once per day) 龙之技能:一天一次,60秒内吸收50%一个敌意法术的魔法。
Dunmer 黑精灵
Ancestor's  Wrath: Once per day, shroud self in fire for 60 seconds, causing nearby  enemies to take 8 points of fire damage per second. 先祖之怒:一天一次,60秒内在角色身边充满火焰,每秒对周围的敌人造成8点伤害。50%抵抗火焰。
Altmer 高精灵
Plus  50Magicka 先天+50法力值
Highborn:  Once per day, tenfold magicka regeneration for 60 seconds. 一天一次,60秒内魔法恢复速度更快,10倍速。
Imperial 帝国人
Increased  gold from containers 拾取战利品时收获更多金币。
Voice  of the Emperor: Once per day, calm nearby enemies for 60  seconds. 帝王之音:一天一次,60秒内使周边的敌人变得冷静。
Khajiit 虎人
Khajiit  claws do 15 points of damage 爪击(可以提高徒手攻击伤害15点)
Eye of  Night: Improved night vision for 60 seconds. 夜视,60秒
Nord 诺德
Resist  Frost 50% 50%抵御冰霜
Battlecry:  Once a day, cause target to flee for 30 seconds. 战吼:一天一次,使目标逃离战斗30秒。
Orc 兽人
Berserker:  Once a day, deal double damage while taking half damage for 60 seconds. 狂暴:一天一次,60秒内双倍伤害,自身承受伤害减半。
Redguard 红卫
Resist  Poison 50% 抵抗毒药50%
Adrenaline  Rush: Once per day, tenfold stamina regeneration for 60 seconds. 阿德瑞娜琳之疾:一天一次,60秒内精力恢复速度X10。
Bosmer 木精灵
Animal  Allies: Command an animal to fight for you. 动物之盟:一天一次,命令一只动物来为你战斗,持续60秒
Resist  poison and disease. 50%抵御毒药和疾病
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Skills 技能
There  are 18 skills. 共有18种技能。
Warrior-type  Skills: Smithing, Heavy Armor, Block, Two-handed, One-Handed and Archery. 战士型技能:铁匠,重甲,格挡,双手,单手,箭术
Mage-type  Skills: Enchanting, Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration, Restoration and  Illusion. 法师型技能:附魔,毁灭,转变,召唤,恢复,幻术
Thief-type  Skills: Alchemy, Light Armor, Speech, Sneak, Lockpicking and Pickpocketing. 盗贼型技能:炼金,轻甲,口才,潜行,开锁,扒窃。
The  higher a skill is, the more it will contribute to leveling up when increased,  making it smarter to focus on a smaller range of skills. 技能越高,当此类技能点增加时对升级的作用越大,所以专注于小范围的技能上升级是明智的。
The  Enchanting Skill allows you to disenchant items with magical properties,  destroying the item in the process. This will teach how to enchant another  time with the magical properties of the item you disenchanted 附魔技能也可以让你对有魔法属性的物品进行分解,会摧毁那样物品。但能使你掌握这件物品的魔法属性,下次你可以附魔到其他物品上去。
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Perks 奖励点
You gain  a perk point every level. 每升一级会得到一点奖励点。
There's  a total of around 280 Perks (Including Ranks). 总共有约280个奖励点(包括排名)。
Perks  will among other things decrease the sound of your footsteps, Disarm enemies  and give you access to Unique Special Moves. 奖励点可以用来降低你脚步的声音,缴械敌人等一大堆属性,甚至可以让你拥有独特的动作。
You can  choose not to spend perk points each level, and instead hold onto them. 你可以选择不要在每次升级时就花掉这些奖励点,留在面板内。
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Skill Trees 技能树:
Alchemy 炼金
??? ???
Potions  are 20% stronger. 提高药剂20%功效
??? ???
Potions  for restore Health, Magicka and Stamina are 25% stronger. 恢复体力法力精力的药剂提高25%功效。
??? ???
Poisons  are 25% more effective. 毒药效果增强25%。
??? ???
Two  Ingredients are gathered from plants. 2种原料采集于植物。
??? ???
50%  resistance to all poisons. 对各种毒药提供50%抗性。
??? ???
All  negative effects removed from potions and all positive effects removed from  poisons. 所有药剂的负面效果被去除,所有毒药的正面效果被去除。
??? ???
2  effects of an ingredient are revealed when testing instead of 1. 原料被测试时发现了2种效果。
Sneak 潜行
??? ???
20% less  chance of being detected. 降低被发现的几率20%
??? ???
Sneak  attacks do 6x damage with one-handed weapons. 潜行攻击时用单手武器获得6倍伤害。
??? ???
Sneak  attack with bows do 3x damage. 潜行攻击时用弓箭获得3倍伤害。
??? ???
Sneak  attack with daggers do 15x damage. 潜行攻击时用匕首获得15倍伤害。
??? ???
Noise  from armor reduced by 50% 盔甲的噪音降低50%。
??? ???
You no  longer activate pressure plates. 使你不再激活压力陷阱!
??? ???
Sprinting  while sneaking performs forward roll. 潜行时前冲变成向前滚翻。
??? ???
Running  does not affect detection chance. 奔跑不影响被察觉到的几率。
??? ???
Crouching  can make hostile enemies lost sight of you and search for a target. 蹲伏可以让有敌意的敌人丢失目标,转而寻找。
Vanish 消失
Attacker  focuses on someone else when entering combat while sneaking. 潜行时进入战斗使用本技能可以让进攻者转向其他人。
Speech 口才
??? ???
Buying  and selling price 10% better. 买卖时提供10%更好的价格。
Allure 诱惑
Receive  20% better price buying from opposite sex. 当从异性那里购买东西的时候得到20%优惠。
??? ???
Invest  in shops and increase available gold permanently in invested stores. 向商店投资,并提高投资回报率。
Master  Trader 交易大师
Every  merchant in the world gains 10.000 gold for bartering. 游戏内每个商人从讨价还价中获得10.000?
??? ???
Buy and  sell anything from any merchant regardless of what they normally buy and  sell. 无视商家平时经营什么,可以自由买卖任何东西。
??? ???
Intimidation  attempts are twice as likely to succeed. 恐吓的成功率翻倍。
??? ???
Persuasion  attempts more likely to succeed. 劝说的成功率翻倍。
Fence 销赃
Barter  your stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in. 能和你投资过的店家交易赃物。
Bribe 贿赂
At a  cost, guards forget your bounties. 以一个代价让卫兵忘了对你的悬赏。
Pickpocketing 扒窃
Light  Fingers 四两拨千斤
Pickpocketing  bonus of 20% – Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds. 额外的20%扒窃成功几率——注:物品的重量和价值会降低扒窃的成功率。
Night  Thief 夜贼
Pickpocketing  sleeping people almost always works. 对睡着的人扒窃几乎都成功。
Poisoned 投毒
Place  poisons in other people’s pockets silently to harm or kill. 悄悄把毒药放进别人的口袋以伤害或致死。
Cutpurse 扒窃钱包
Pickpocketing  gold is 50% easier. 扒窃金币成功率提高50%。
Extra  Pockets 额外的口袋
Carrying  capacity is increased by 100. 负重能力增加100。
Keymaster 钥匙大师
Pickpocketing  keys always works. 扒窃钥匙总是得手。
Misdirections 误导
You can  pickpocket equipped weapons. 你可以扒窃装备着的武器。
Perfect  Touch 完美接触
You can  pickpocket equipped items. 你可以扒窃装备着的物品。
Lockpicking 开锁
Sleight  of Hand 熟练之手
Picking  locks is now undetectable to everyone standing around watching. 开锁现在不被那些在周围守卫的人注意。
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Skill Trees 技能树:
Alchemy 炼金
??? ???
Potions  are 20% stronger. 提高药剂20%功效
??? ???
Potions  for restore Health, Magicka and Stamina are 25% stronger. 恢复体力法力精力的药剂提高25%功效。
??? ???
Poisons  are 25% more effective. 毒药效果增强25%。
??? ???
Two  Ingredients are gathered from plants. 2种原料采集于植物。
??? ???
50%  resistance to all poisons. 对各种毒药提供50%抗性。
??? ???
All  negative effects removed from potions and all positive effects removed from  poisons. 所有药剂的负面效果被去除,所有毒药的正面效果被去除。
??? ???
2  effects of an ingredient are revealed when testing instead of 1. 原料被测试时发现了2种效果。
Sneak 潜行
??? ???
20% less  chance of being detected. 降低被发现的几率20%
??? ???
Sneak  attacks do 6x damage with one-handed weapons. 潜行攻击时用单手武器获得6倍伤害。
??? ???
Sneak  attack with bows do 3x damage. 潜行攻击时用弓箭获得3倍伤害。
??? ???
Sneak  attack with daggers do 15x damage. 潜行攻击时用匕首获得15倍伤害。
??? ???
Noise  from armor reduced by 50% 盔甲的噪音降低50%。
??? ???
You no  longer activate pressure plates. 使你不再激活压力陷阱!
??? ???
Sprinting  while sneaking performs forward roll. 潜行时前冲变成向前滚翻。
??? ???
Running  does not affect detection chance. 奔跑不影响被察觉到的几率。
??? ???
Crouching  can make hostile enemies lost sight of you and search for a target. 蹲伏可以让有敌意的敌人丢失目标,转而寻找。
Vanish 消失
Attacker  focuses on someone else when entering combat while sneaking. 潜行时进入战斗使用本技能可以让进攻者转向其他人。
Speech 口才
??? ???
Buying  and selling price 10% better. 买卖时提供10%更好的价格。
Allure 诱惑
Receive  20% better price buying from opposite sex. 当从异性那里购买东西的时候得到20%优惠。
??? ???
Invest  in shops and increase available gold permanently in invested stores. 向商店投资,并提高投资回报率。
Master  Trader 交易大师
Every  merchant in the world gains 10.000 gold for bartering. 游戏内每个商人从讨价还价中获得10.000?
??? ???
Buy and  sell anything from any merchant regardless of what they normally buy and  sell. 无视商家平时经营什么,可以自由买卖任何东西。
??? ???
Intimidation  attempts are twice as likely to succeed. 恐吓的成功率翻倍。
??? ???
Persuasion  attempts more likely to succeed. 劝说的成功率翻倍。
Fence 销赃
Barter  your stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in. 能和你投资过的店家交易赃物。
Bribe 贿赂
At a  cost, guards forget your bounties. 以一个代价让卫兵忘了对你的悬赏。
Pickpocketing 扒窃
Light  Fingers 四两拨千斤
Pickpocketing  bonus of 20% – Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds. 额外的20%扒窃成功几率——注:物品的重量和价值会降低扒窃的成功率。
Night  Thief 夜贼
Pickpocketing  sleeping people almost always works. 对睡着的人扒窃几乎都成功。
Poisoned 投毒
Place  poisons in other people’s pockets silently to harm or kill. 悄悄把毒药放进别人的口袋以伤害或致死。
Cutpurse 扒窃钱包
Pickpocketing  gold is 50% easier. 扒窃金币成功率提高50%。
Extra  Pockets 额外的口袋
Carrying  capacity is increased by 100. 负重能力增加100。
Keymaster 钥匙大师
Pickpocketing  keys always works. 扒窃钥匙总是得手。
Misdirections 误导
You can  pickpocket equipped weapons. 你可以扒窃装备着的武器。
Perfect  Touch 完美接触
You can  pickpocket equipped items. 你可以扒窃装备着的物品。
Lockpicking 开锁
Sleight  of Hand 熟练之手
Picking  locks is now undetectable to everyone standing around watching. 开锁现在不被那些在周围守卫的人注意。
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Skill Trees 技能树:
Block 格挡
Shield  Wall (1 of 5) 盾墙 (1/5)
Blocking  is 25% more effective. 提升25格挡几率。
Deadly  Bash 致死盾击
Bashing  does more damage. 盾牌猛击提供更多伤害。
Power  Bash 强力盾击
Able to  do a power bash. 实施强力盾击。
Bash  Disarm 盾击缴械
Shield  Charge 盾牌冲锋
Able to  move faster with a shield raised. 当举盾时速度更快。
Quick  Reflexes 快速反应
Time  slows down if you are blocking during a power attack. 当你格挡住一次强力攻击时,时间变慢。
Deflect  Arrows 箭矢偏转
Riposte 档后还刺
Elemental  Protection 元素防护
Alteration 转变系
??? ???
Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master  level Illusion spells costs 50% less Magicka. 新手/学徒/老手/专家/大师  级别减少转变系魔法的50%法力消耗值。
??? ???
Alteration  spells has longer duration. 转变系法术有更长持续期。
??? ???
Absorb  30% of magicka that hits you. 吸收击中你的30%法术伤害。
Conjuration 召唤系
??? ???
Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master  level Illusion spells costs 50% less Magicka. 新手/学徒/老手/专家/大师  级别减少召唤系魔法的50%法力消耗值。
??? ???
Dual  casting overcharges for greater effect. 双手释放获得更大效果。
??? ???
Bound  weapons do more damage. 召唤武器可以造成更多伤害
??? ???
Bound  weapons cast soul trap on target. 召唤武器对敌人释放灵魂陷阱。
??? ???
Bound  weapons banish certain creatures. 召唤武器可以驱逐某些生物。
??? ???
Reanimate  undead with 100 more health points. 召唤亡灵,并且增加100点生命值。
??? ???
Summon  two atronarches or reanimated zombies. 召唤两个元素怪或者复活的僵尸。
??? ???
Summon  atronarches at twice the distance. 双倍距离内召唤两个元素怪。
??? ???
Summoned  atronarches are twice as strong. 召唤的两个元素怪强壮两倍。
Destruction 毁灭系
??? ???
Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master  level Illusion spells costs 50% less Magicka. 新手/学徒/老手/专家/大师  级别减少毁灭系魔法的50%法力消耗值。
??? ???
More  damage for each school (Fire, Shock and Frost). 每个分类的伤害增加(火,电,冰)
??? ???
Shock  damage has a chance to disintegrate target if their health is below 10%. 当敌人的生命值低于10%时,闪电伤害有几率瓦解敌人。
??? ???
Frost  damage has a chance to paralyse target if health is low. 当地人的生命值很低时,冰霜伤害有几率麻痹敌人。
??? ???
Fire  damage has a chance of making enemies with low health flee. 当地人的生命值很低时,火焰伤害有几率让敌人逃跑。
??? ???
Place  runes up to five times farther away.  
Enchanting 附魔
??? ???
Enchants  are 20% stronger. 附魔效果提升20%。
??? ???
Enchanted  armor is 25% stronger. 附魔的盔甲效果提升25%。
??? ???
Soul  Gems provide magicka for recharge. 灵魂石提供魔法以供补充。
??? ???
Health,  Magicka and Stamina enchants become stronger. 生命值,法力值,精力值的附魔效果增强。
??? ???
Extra  effect on already-enchanted weapons can be applied. 对已经有附魔的武器还可以增加附魔效果。
??? ???
Fire  enchants 25% stronger. 火焰附魔增强25%。
Frost  enchants 25% stronger. 冰霜附魔增强25%。
Shock  enchants 25% stronger. 闪电附魔增强25%。
Illusion 幻术
Hypnotic  Gaze 催眠凝视
Calm  higher level people and creatures. 使更高级的人或者生物冷静
??? ???
Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master  level Illusion spells costs 50% less Magicka. 新手/学徒/老手/专家/大师  级别减少幻术系魔法的50%法力消耗值。
??? ???
Dual  casting overcharges for more powerful spells. 双手装备相似魔法提供更强大的法术效果。
??? ???
Spells  works on higher level animals. 法术对更高级的动物有效。
??? ???
Spells  works on higher level people. 法术对更高级的人有效。
Silent  Casting 静默施法
All  spellcasting (From any school) is done silently. 所有法术的施放都没有声音(任何类别的法术)
Master  of the Mind 精神大师
Illusion  spells works on Undead, Daedra and Automatons. 幻术系魔法对亡灵、恶魔和机械怪物都有效。
??? ???
Fear  spells work on higher level enemies. 恐惧魔法对更高级的敌人也有效。
Restoration 恢复
??? ???
Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master  level Illusion spells costs 50% less Magicka. 新手/学徒/老手/专家/大师  级别减少恢复系魔法的50%法力消耗值。
??? ???
Healing  spells also restore stamina. 治愈魔法也恢复精力。
??? ???
Healing  spells heals 50% more. 治愈魔法效果提升50%。
??? ???
Magicka  is partially recharged with each healing spell. 法力值也会随着每次治愈魔法的施放而恢复。
??? ???
Spells  are more effective against Undead. 法术对亡灵更加有效。
??? ???
Once a  day chance to autocast 250HP restoration when health drops low. 每天有一次的机会,当生命值偏低时回复250点生命值。
??? ???
Magicka  regenerates 25% faster. 法力值恢复速度提升25%。
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Factions 派系
For more detailed  information about factions, check out BootySweat's "Factions of  Skyrim"! 更多的细节请参阅BootySweat's的天际省派系贴。
Thieves  Guild (Joinable) 盗贼公会(可加入)
College  of Winterhold (Joinable) 永冬城大学(可加入)
Companions  (Joinable) 同伴(可加入)?
Dark  Brotherhood (Joinable) 黑暗兄弟会(可加入)
Riverwood  Tavern Warrior Clan 河木旅馆战士宗派
Stormcloaks  (Joinable) 风暴斗篷(可加入)
The  Shield-Brothers 盾牌兄弟
Necromancers  (Not Joinable) 死灵法师(不可加入)
The  Imperial Army (Joinable) 帝国军(可加入)
Battle  Born 天生战狂
East  Empire Trading Company 东部帝国贸易公司
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Crafting 工艺制造
There  are six different stages to crafting items. The first two are: Refining crude  ore and Assembling materials. 工艺制造物品有6个步骤。起先的两个是,提炼原矿,装配材料。
There's  13 different types of ore, which are used for crafting. 有13中不同的矿石可以用来进行工艺制造。
More  realistic alchemy labs. 更加现实的炼金实验室。
In  addition to alchemy ingredients there are also reagents. 试剂是对炼金原材料的补充。
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Misc  Features 其他特点
There's  two types of Fast-Travel: Morrowind-style & Oblivion-style. 有两种快速旅行方式:晨风方式和湮没方式。
There is  no Multiplayer. 没有多人联机。
There is  no Hardcore-mode. 没有专家模式或死亡模式游戏。
Soul  Gems can be used like in previous TES games to trap souls. 灵魂石和以前的使用方式一样,用来捕捉灵魂。
You can  buy properties. 你可以购买房产。
Lock  picking is still a mini-game, but has been improved. 开锁还是一个小游戏,但是有提升。
There's  a separate bounty for each of the 9 holds. 9个要塞有各自不同的赏金系统。
You can  catch diseases. 你会得病。
After  killing an NPC, you can sleep in their bed. 杀死一个NPC后,你可以睡他们的床。
There  will be less, but bigger (Expansion-like) DLCs compared to Fallout 3 &  Oblivion. 与辐射3和Oblivion相比,DLC更少,但更大。
There is  a "sort" of Karma system in the game, but it's not governed by  numbers. Instead, people will react to what you do, and you will have to base  how bad you are on that, and not numbers. 游戏中有一个运气系统,但它并不是由数字控制。相反,人们对你的所作所为会有互动,你的运气取决于他们对你的反应。
Only  possible to have relationships with certain NPCs - and "in some  cases" marriage. 只能和游戏内的某些特定NPCs发生浪漫关系,有时能结婚。
Aurora  Borealis. 曙光在北面。
Same Sex  Marriages. 同性婚姻。
Aside  from Side Quests, there are also Misc Objectives. 除了支线任务,还有各种各样的目标。
There is  at least 50 skill books. 至少有50本技能书。
You can  collect Daedric Artifacts. 你可以搜集恶魔工艺品。

