17173 新闻导语
web of destiny简介:
Web of Destiny
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
OVERSIZED DOOR | Reach kraven’s hunting ground | 发现克莱文的狩猎营地(到木头营地大门前自动解锁) | 500 |
Broken artefacts | Hie 10 hunters using sandstone jars | 使用地上的陶罐攻击10个敌人 | 500 |
Strike! | Successfully web-strike 20 hunters. | 使用web-strike(晃动鸡腿飞踢)攻击20个敌人 | 2000 |
Just keep swinging | Perform 5 consecutive web swings without touching the ground | 在空中不落地完成5次蛛丝摆荡 | 1000 |
Stamding target | Zip kick 5 gunners off their perch point | 使用zip kick(鸡腿飞踢)踢飞5个在柱子顶端的敌人 | 1000 |
Thrill of the fight | Defeat 10 hunters | 成功击败10个杂兵 | 500 |
Evasive response | Dodge 10 enemies attacks using your defensive stance | 按C键防御姿态躲避10次敌人的攻击 | 500 |
Emblem collector | Collect 35 spider emblems | 收集35个蜘蛛标记 | 2000 |
Sitting duck | Dodge 10 bullets from kraven’s sniper in the waterfall area | 在瀑布区域的狙击场景躲避10次射击 | 3000 |
Hunter’s prey | Take out all of the hunters in the main courtyard in under 4 minutes | 4分钟内干掉中央庭院的全部敌人(方形区域,出口在正前方,左右两侧平台上有机枪兵的场景) | 3000 |
Pillars of strength | Get 20 pillars destroyed in the final fight against kraven | Boss最终战时引诱克莱文破坏场景中的10根石柱 | 3000 |
Spider collector | Find all of the hidden spiders | 占到场景中隐藏的金色小蜘蛛(共8个) | 3000 |
Thrill of the hunt | Defeat 30 hunters | 成功击败30个敌人 | 1500 |
Kraven’s den | Take out kraven in the caged arena | 鸟巢竞技场的boss战胜利 | 2000 |
Heavy fall | Take out a goliath hunter by performing a finishing grab. | 使用终结技干掉魁梧巨大的杂兵 | 1500 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Open gates | Rescued the 3 workers from the first train yard | 第一次的救人场景,成功营救3名被抓的工人 | 1000 |
Hang in there! | Perform 5 takedowns while perched above guards | 从守卫上方成功制服5名敌人 | 1500 |
Against the wall | Perform 3 take downs while you are crawling on walls. | 从墙壁(爬行)上制服3名敌人 | 1500 |
Grounded! | Standing safety back.perform 3 takedowns while on the same level as your target. | 从身后制服3名敌人(需要和目标位置处于同一平面) | 1500 |
night off | Rescued the 5 workers from the second train yard. | 第二次救人场景成功营救5名工人 | 2500 |
Spider’s mark | perform 10 takedowns. | 成功完成10次制服 | 1000 |
Whispers in the dark | Perform 3 takedowns while sneaking within arm’s reach of your targets. | 完成3次近身制服,距离要求在1身位附近。 | 1500 |
Emblem collector | Collector 20 spider emblems | 收集20个蜘蛛标记 | 2000 |
Stealthy | Takedown 5 guards in a row without raising the alarm | 不被发现的情况下连续制服5名敌人 | 3000 |
Gatling Gone | Make Hammerhead destroy 6 stone columns in the first encounter. | 在圆形剧场boss战时,引诱boss攻击剧场周围的石柱,破坏6个 | 3000 |
Stealthy in style | Perform 4 different types of takedown | 完成4种不同的制服 | 2000 |
Spider collector | Find all of the hidden spiders. | 收集隐藏的金色小蜘蛛(8个) | 3000 |
Spider’s bite | Perform 20 takedowns | 完成20次制服 | 2000 |
headstrong | Win the first encounter against Hammerhead. | 第一次boss战胜利 | 1500 |
Express delivery | Beat Hammerhead’s men in the ambush in the final trainyard in under 2 minutes | 在后期的火车道被敌人伏击的场景,将杂兵在2分钟内击破 | 3000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Cosmetic Surgery | Smash Hobgoblin 3 times into things during freefall. | 在初次空中追逐战时3次成功靠近boss并完成攻击 | 2500 |
Bench Press | Hit 5 Public Eye Patrol officers with benches. | 使用长椅攻击巡逻兵5次 | 1000 |
Air Traffic Controller | Destroy 5 Jet Bikes. | 在空中摧毁5个巡逻飞艇 | 1000 |
Who’s Laughing Now? | Win the first fight against Hobgoblin. | 初次boss战胜利 | 1000 |
Drop Something? | Force Hobgoblin to drop his bombs 3 times. | 使用boss丢出的炸弹成功弹返攻击3次 | 3000 |
Freefall Flurry | Punch Hobgoblin 25 times during freefall | 空中追逐战时,在boss背上累计捶击25下(快速按B键攻击) | 2500 |
Like A Blur | Defeat 10 enemies while in Accelerated Vision. | 在“子弹时间”状态下击败10名敌人 | 1500 |
Emblem collector | Collect 25 spider emblems | 收集25个蜘蛛标记 | 2000 |
Hot Potato | Kill 5 enemies with Hobgoblin bombs | (boss和杂兵共存的场景)使用boss丢下的炸弹炸死5名敌兵(需要视角调整改变投掷目标) | 1500 |
Sweet Dreams | Defeat 5 Gargoyles in the final fight. | 在boss最终战击败5只boss分身(或者叫夜行龙。。。) | 2500 |
Resisting Arrest | Defeat 30 Public Eye Patrol officers. | 击败30名巡逻兵 | 1500 |
Spider collector | Find all of the hidden spiders | 收集场景中隐藏的8个金色小蜘蛛 | 3000 |
Who’s next? | Defeat the Public Eye Patrol on the roof arena in under 4 minutes. | 在顶部平台的杂兵战,4分钟内击破全部巡逻兵 | 3000 |
Crow’s next | Land on one of the high antennas in a monorail section. | 在空中单轨列车区域(攻击空中巡逻艇的位置)成功到达其中一个顶端的天线处(高跳后调整视角,使用web-zip可到达) | 1000 |
Boomshakala | Divert 3 missiles into Public Eye Patrol officers. | **巡逻兵发射**的场合,引诱**到敌人的位置。(完成3次) | 3000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Lightning rod | Rescue 4 workers in the flooded power plant area. | 在boss破坏排水装置后,在此区域被淹没前成功营救4名工人 | 1500 |
Red raid | Clear the first red electric creature ambush in less than 1 minute. | 第一次遇到红色电子怪物的场景,1分钟内消灭 | 2000 |
Zippin zapper | Zip kick 20 perched electric creatures | 使用zip飞踢踢飞20个位于电线杆顶端的敌人 | 1500 |
Laser cut | Use green electric creatures to defeat 5 other creatures. | 引诱绿色电子怪物发射的激光攻击其他敌人,完成5次 | 3000 |
Anger issues | Activate the rage mode for the first time. | 激活狂暴状态(到指定位置自动解锁) | 1000 |
enraged | Use rage mode to dispatch a total of 50 electric creatures. | 在狂暴模式下击败50个电子怪物 | 2000 |
Elec truck | Evade the 3 electeified trucks on the dam as they charge towards you. | 在有卡车的场景,当卡车正面撞过来的时候,成功躲避3次 | 1500 |
Emblem collector | Collect 40 spider emblems | 收集40个蜘蛛标记 | 2000 |
Shock proof | Win the second battle against electro | 第二次boss战胜利(应该是整齐堆放方形发电设备的场景那一战) | 2000 |
Hold on! | Rescue 5 workers inside the electrified power plant area. | 在核心发电区成功营救5名工人 | 2500 |
Short circuit | Disrupt 3 overcharged attacks from purple electric. Creatures by throwing objects at them. | 使用杂物丢向紫色的电子怪物,扰乱其攻击。(完成3次) | 1000 |
Spider collector | Find all the hidden spiders. | 收集8个隐藏的金色蜘蛛 | 3000 |
Raging storm | Land 25 consecutive hits on electric creatures in a single rage mode. | (在非敌人大量涌出的场合)单次狂暴模式连续攻击25名沿途遇到的杂兵 | 3000 |
Black out | Dispatch every electric creature outside the main power plant within 4 minutes. | 中心发电区外的场景,大量出现杂兵时在4分钟内清理全部敌人 | 3000 |
The blue bomber | Win the first battle against electro. | 初次boss战胜利 | 1000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Zip appremtice | Web-zip on 3 moving objects | 使用web-zip跳过3个空中飞舞的杂物 | 1000 |
Thirsty? | Hit sandman with 10 water barrels during the first encounter. | 首次对战boss时使用水桶砸向沙男10次 | 3000 |
Have a drink! | Throw 25 water barrels at enemies | 使用水桶攻击敌人25次 | 1500 |
Pressure release | Use 10 water valves to turn sand creatures into mud. | 攻击水阀使敌人被溅湿10次 | 3000 |
Waterfall | Tip 3 water towers on sandman. | 3次将水罐推到(游戏流程,推到水罐阻止风暴化的boss) | 3000 |
Sand slide! | Escape from sandman’s sand slide in the mine! | 在山洞中成功从boss的流沙攻击中逃脱(web-swing脱险场景) | 2500 |
Hard rock | Defeat 5 sand Golems | 击退5个巨型沙怪 | 2500 |
Emblem collector | Collect 40 spider emblems | 收集40个蜘蛛标记 | 2500 |
Tornado chaser | Stay airborne for 30 seconds by web zipping on objects hurled by sandman’s tornado. | 有龙卷风的场合,利用飞起的杂物,使用web-zip在空中行动超过30秒。 | 3000 |
In your face! | Win the second encounter against sandman. | 第二次boss战胜出(山洞中巨大化的boss) | 5000 |
Well-drilled | Successfully PROTECT the drill inside the mine. | (关卡末期)成功保护钻探车,打洞成功 | 3000 |
Spider collector | Find all of the hidden spiders. | 找到关卡中隐藏的8只金色小蜘蛛 | 4000 |
Sand blaster | Defeat 25 sand creatures. | 击退25个沙怪敌人 | 7500 |
Lost and found | In the final fight.FIND and GRAB Juggernaut’s helmet inside sandman’s tornado. | 在最终boss战时,观察空中的杂物,找到Juggernaut的头盔,并晃动鸡腿成功捡到(ACT3 Amazing蜘蛛侠关卡boss的头盔) | 1500 |
Zip master | Web-zip on 50 moving objects. | 在空中杂物上使用web-zip移动50次 | 2000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Uncertain grounds | Perform 5 consecutive takedowns without touching the ground in the first area. | 不接触地面连续制服5名敌人(电线、墙壁,护栏、管道等都可以利用) | 5000 |
Silent swing | Swing 5 times in a row without touching the ground and without being spotted. | 不被敌人发现情况下,在空中直线连续蛛丝摆荡(web-swing)5次 | 1000 |
Cloak and dagger | Win the first fight against Vulture. | 首次boss战胜利 | 1500 |
Like a shadow | Get through the 20 crawling section in the 45 seconds or less. | (系统强制)在墙壁上爬行通过街巷的区域,在45秒内完成 | 4000 |
Missed the train | Beat the train. | (初回boss战后)成功躲避火车 | 1000 |
stealthier | Takedown 7 guards in a row without raising the alarm. | 不被发觉连续制服7名敌人 | 7500 |
Hold still! | Silently slam 5 guards against a wall while standing on the ground. | 在地面将5名敌人制服在墙上(让Noir靠近墙壁,向有效范围内的敌人发动束缚技) | 2500 |
Emblem collector | Colleot 25 spider emblems. | 收集25个蜘蛛标记 | 2500 |
Bottleneck | Survive the bar fight and get out within 2 minutes. | 初次在酒吧遭到敌人伏击时在2分钟内取胜 | 3000 |
Ninja spider | Perform 30 takedowns. | 完成30次制服 | 1500 |
Firefighter | Save all of the civilians inside the burning building. | 在着火的建筑中成功营救所有的平民(3名) | 3000 |
Spider collector | Find all of the hidden spiders. | 找到关卡内隐藏的8个金色小蜘蛛 | 4000 |
Punchy! | Hit 5 enemies with charge attacks. | 使用蓄力技能攻击5名敌人(在技能菜单购买相应角色的蓄力技) | 4000 |
On fire! | Get Vulture to accidently drop one of his Molotov cocktails during the final fight 3 times. | 在最终boss战时引诱boss受到自己扔的燃烧瓶的伤害(完成3次) | 1500 |
Baring rescue | Rescue all the civilians on the rooftops in under 5 minutes. | 在屋顶区域5分钟内营救所有的平民(中间2人,左右平台各1人) | 3000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Knock,Knock! | Defeat a shielder public eye patrol officer. | 击败盾牌巡逻兵 | 2500 |
Easter egg | Hit 5 public eye patrol officers with acid pods. | 使用蝎卵攻击5名巡逻兵 | 1500 |
Return to sender | Divert 5 missites into any heavy S.I.E.G.E. soldier. | 引诱炸弹攻击巨大的巡逻兵(需完成5次) | 5000 |
Exterminator | Defeat 30 scorpion creatures. | 击败30个蝎子怪 | 3000 |
Omelette master | Blow up 50 eggs. | 破坏50个蝎卵 | 2500 |
Skeleton key | melt a door with an acid egg. | 使用蝎卵熔化大门 | 1000 |
Protector | Protect the public eye workers as they open the main hanger doors. | 在大门启动时,成功保护操作设备的工人(游戏中其实是2名科学家。。。)。 | 3000 |
Emblem collector | Collect 45 spider emblems. | 收集45个蜘蛛标记 | 2500 |
Quick rescue | Save all of the civilians in the metro station in less than 3 minutes. | (轨道交通站救人场景)3分钟内营救全部平民(共7名) | 5000 |
Beast tamer | Win the first fight against Scorpion within 2 minutes. | Boss初回战2分钟内胜出 | 3000 |
Slow-mo | Defeat 20 enemies while in accelerated vision. | 在“子弹时间”特技状态下击退20名敌人 | 2000 |
Spider collector | Find all the hidden spiders. | 找到关卡中隐藏的8只金色小蜘蛛 | 4000 |
Meltdown | Melt 10 wall fans using acid eggs. | 使用蝎卵熔化10个排风扇 | 6000 |
Street sweeper | Defeat all of the enemies on the final platform in the monorail complex within 4 minutes. | (救完7名平民)搭乘电梯前的平台上,在4分钟内消灭全部敌人。 | 1000 |
On thin ice | Defeat 10 enemies on the rooftop of the public eye tower before Scorpion ends it. | Boss战前在顶部平台的混战场合,干掉10名敌人(在平台被boss破坏前迅速清怪) | 3000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Smile! | Destroy the first camera. | 成功摧毁第一台摄影机 | 1000 |
Fanboy beatdown | Defeat 50 fanboys. | 击败50名敌人(原来是堵命侠的狂热粉丝) | 2500 |
Technical difficulties | Destroy all of the cameras on the first oil rig. | 在第一个钻井平台场景摧毁所有的摄影机(8+4) | 2000 |
Publicity stunt | Take out 15 fanboys during one of the commercial breaks. | 在广告时间(?!)击败15名敌人(具体时机不明,按游戏流程完成关卡基本上能完成此成就) | 3000 |
Give me that! | Disarm 10 fanboy gunners. | 成功将10名机枪兵缴械(需要购买特定Grab技能) | 1500 |
Bop bag surprise | Hit 5 fanboys by detonating deadpool bop bags. | 将敌人引诱至场景中炸弹(不倒翁炸弹)附近,触碰炸弹引爆给敌人造成伤害(完成5次) | 2500 |
Huge surprise!! | Win the fight against the first huge deadpool fan. | 首次见到大锤巨人时成功击败敌人 | 1500 |
Emblem collector | Collect 90 spider emblems. | 收集90个蜘蛛标记 | 2500 |
Show cancelled | Destroy all of the cameras on the second oil rig. | 摧毁第二个钻井平台场景中的全部摄影机(9+7+8) | 3000 |
Organized chaos | In the final fight.beat all three deadpools in the following order.Guns,Swords,Grenades. | 在最终boss战对战3个deadpool时根据武器区分对手,按枪-剑-榴弹的顺序击败对手。 | 6000 |
Mosh pit | Lure huge deadpool fans into hitting 5 fanboys. | 引诱大锤巨人(累计)误伤5名杂兵 | 2500 |
Spider collector | Find all of the hidden spiders. | 找到场景中隐藏的8只金色小蜘蛛 | 4000 |
Staying dry | Race through the pipeline and get to the diving board in under 1 minute. | 使用web-swing输油管线的场景在1分钟内到达最前端(右侧)的跳板 | 3000 |
Huge disappointment | Take down 3 huge deadpool fans by performing a finishing grab. | 使用Grab终结技(晃鸡腿)击败3名大锤巨人 | 5000 |
Anger management | Take down 5 fanboys in one rage made consumption. | 在一次爆发狂暴状态时击退5名敌人(爆发瞬间冲击波击退) | 5000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Head first | Win the first battle against juggernaut. | 首次boss战胜利 | 3000 |
Raining pipes! | Cause 3 enemies to be hit by objects thrown by juggernaut. | 游戏中工地通道场景,引诱boss丢杂物(累计)砸中3名杂兵 | 3000 |
Charge blast | Blind 5 Wild Pack mercenaries using the charge attack. | 使用蓄力技攻击5名杂兵(直升机MM的雇佣兵)蓄力技需在技能菜单购买 | 5000 |
Yes captain! | Defeat 5 Wild Pack Captains. | 击败5名雇佣兵队长(红衣高大敌人,和盾牌兵一同出现) | 5000 |
Nimble jump | Zip jump over objects thrown by Juggernaut. | 使用蛛丝高跳(空中长按A)躲避boss丢的杂物 | 3000 |
Give me your gun! | Disarm 10 Wild Pack gunners. | 成功将10名机枪兵缴械 (相应Grab技能需购买) | 3000 |
Group hug | Throw or kick 5 enemies into other enemies. | 将敌人踢、或扔向其他敌人(需要配合某些投掷技能完成) | 3000 |
Emblem collector | Collect 45 spider emblem | 收集45个蜘蛛标记 | 3000 |
Emergency shutdown | Rescue the 3 workers in the construction site. | 工地灭火的场景,营救3名工人 | 3000 |
Make room! | Get Juggernaut to destroy 50 objects in the first encounter. | Boss初战是诱使敌人行动,使其摧毁场景中的50个物体 | 3000 |
Ascension | Reach the top of the Oscorp building in less than 45 seconds. | 从脚手架登上在建高层建筑的场合,在45秒内完成 | 3000 |
Spider collector | Find all the hidden spiders. | 找到关卡中隐藏的8只金色小蜘蛛 | 5000 |
Going up! | Zip your way up the first segment of the Oscorp building by using the debris Juggernaut throws. | 当初次到达再建高层底部时,利用boss丢的杂物使用web-zip来到2层区域 | 5000 |
Wild Packed! | Hit Wild Pack Mercenaries with 10 objects. | 使用场景中的杂物砸向雇佣兵(需完成10次) | 3000 |
Clearance | Take out 50 Wild Pack mercenaries. | 击退50名雇佣兵 | 10000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Sorry we’re closed | Rescue the 3 civilians an the amusement park entrance. | 在游乐园门口的场景成功营救3名平民 | 5000 |
Play ball! | Using the ball,knock down 5 thugs inside the circus tent. | 马戏团的杂兵战,使用地上的球成功击倒5名敌人 | 3000 |
Back off! | Push back 5 thugs with a single spider stomp. | 使用spider stomp(跳起后重击地面的技能,产生冲击波)同时击退5名敌人(相关技能需要购买) | 3000 |
Not funny! | Escape the laughing doors room. | 成功通过选择小丑门的考验(正确的门小丑眼睛运动速度快) | 3000 |
Going knots | Perform all 6 types of takedowns.[on the ground,up close,on a wall,from above,while crawling,while perched ] | 完成6中不同的制服技(根据相对敌人的位置区分:地面、近身、墙头上、头顶、墙壁、高处建筑) | 6000 |
From above | Perform 5 takedowns while standing on higher ground. | 从较高的地上使用制服技干掉敌人(完成5次) | 3000 |
Stealth master | Perform 30 takedowns. | 完成30次制服 | 3000 |
Emblem collector | Collect 15 spider emblems. | 收集15个蜘蛛标记 | 3000 |
Free ride | Rescue the ferris wheel civilian. | 成功将摩天轮下的平民救起 | 5000 |
stealthiest | Takedown 10 guards in a row without raising the alarm. | 不被发现的情况下连续制服10名敌人 | 5000 |
Incompetent fools! | Force Goblin to hit 10 of his men. | (最终boss战第3阶段)引诱boss攻击10次自己的同伙 | 3000 |
Spider collector | Find all the hidden spiders. | 找到关卡中隐藏的8只金色小蜘蛛 | 5000 |
Freak show | Defeat Goblin. | 击败boss | 5000 |
Got your back | Perform 5 web strike evades against Goblin. | 使用5次web strike evades技能(蛛丝牵引飞向敌人,按A越过敌人头顶到达身后的技能) | 4000 |
confusion | Clear the “inverted fight” in the hall within 2 minutes. | (中毒气后)在上下颠倒的房间中的杂兵战2分钟内胜出 | 4000 |
成就名称 |
成就说明 |
达成介绍 |
奖励 |
Close calls | Dodge Doctor Octopus’s arms 50 times in freefall. | 开始的空中飞行(自由落体?)成功躲避50次boss的触手障碍 | 5000 |
Stay down! | Perform 5 web slams on a public eye patrol officer. | (购买web slams技能)对巡逻兵使用5次 | 2500 |
Swatting flies | Hit 5 jetbikes with web steike punches. | 使用蛛丝冲捶技能(晃鸡腿+重攻击键)摧毁5架空中的巡逻艇(较大且会机枪攻击的是巡逻艇,小的事无人机) | 3000 |
Alley oop | Hit 3 jetbikes with maintenance drones | 使用无人机(晃动鸡腿抓住丢出)破坏3架巡逻艇 | 4000 |
Core mechanic | Hit enemies using 3 energy cores dropped from a lab creature. | 使用击败外星怪物掉落的小球(能量核心)砸向敌人进行攻击(完成3次) | 2500 |
Breaking & Entering | Web pull 5 glass walls in alchemax‘s labs. | Lab 1救人场景中将两侧平台上的5个玻璃门全部拉开 | 5000 |
Man over machine | Ledge run on Doctor Octopus’ mechanical arm. | 登上boss的机械手臂并在其上活动 | 1000 |
Emblem collector | Collect 35 spider emblems. | 收集35个蜘蛛标记 | 3000 |
Cable guy | Shut-duwn all 4 master cables that power up the lab. | 将4个能量室的动力装置全部关闭 | 4000 |
Cutting edge | Destory 5 lab creatures with Doctor Octopus’ laser. | (Boss战后期阶段)利用boss发射的激光消灭5名杂兵 | 2500 |
Cost you an arm | Destroy both mechanical arms of Doctor Octopus. | 摧毁boss的两个机械手臂(lab2、4门口) | 5000 |
Spider collector | Find all the hidden spiders | 找到关卡中隐藏的8只金色小蜘蛛 | 5000 |
Too fast for you! | Hit 5 enemies with a single charge attack. | 使用一次蓄力技攻击5名敌人 | 2500 |
Super slow-mo | Trigger and empty Accelerated vision 5 times. | 使用5次“子弹时间”技能(每次必须将能量消耗完) | 10000 |
Accelerated | Defeat 5 enemies in a single Accelerated vision. | 在一次子弹时间技能中干掉5名敌人 | 5000 |
- (2010-12-03) 《蜘蛛侠:破碎维度》解决延迟详细方法
- (2010-09-09) boss战是亮点《蜘蛛侠:破碎维度》IGN评分