
2008-11-04 00:00:00 神评论

17173 新闻导语

   昨天晚些时候,有消息说北美第三大规模的游戏发行商THQ迫于经济不景气和财政困难等一系列问题,不得不关闭旗下的4到5个工作室以解燃眉之急。   目前,THQ在北美、欧洲和澳洲分别设有16家工作室,这样的消息一旦被证实,其后果无疑将是爆炸性的。有些人相信这可能仅仅是THQ在圣诞

Good afternoon team,

I want to take this opportunity to update you all on some important actions we are taking to best position THQ for future profitability and growth.

As you know, the past year has been a challenging one for THQ, and the video game industry is changing rapidly. We are responding aggressively to both changing market dynamics within the video game sector and the impact of today's difficult economic environment. Over the past several weeks, we have completed a new strategic plan for THQ and presented it to our board of directors. The plan was initiated by me and developed by the executive committee in close collaboration with senior members of our product development and publishing organizations.

The new plan will result in substantial changes to our product strategy and pipeline. Our goal is to ensure that we have the right resources behind the products and product categories that represent the biggest opportunities for THQ.

As a result of this new plan, we have discontinued a number of projects from external developers, as well as certain projects within our internal THQ studios. In a number of cases, the cancellation of a project means that the THQ studio working on that project will be closed. Specifically, we have closed Helixe, Sandblast Games, Locomotive, Mass Media and Paradigm studios. We have also reduced staffing at Juice Games and Rainbow Studios as a result of our product realignment. Our senior PD and HR teams are on the ground at each of the affected studios today, meeting with the employees to discuss severance packages and outplacement services, as well as potential opportunities on other THQ products.

While the actions we are taking are difficult, we believe they are a necessary step toward returning THQ to profitability. We are confident that the product pipeline we have outlined in our strategic plan positions us to win in the video game marketplace. We also remain very confident in our internal development capabilities, as evidenced by the strong critical and commercial success of Saints Row 2 and de Blob.

I encourage each of you to listen to our Q2 FY 2009 earnings call this Wednesday as I take investors through both the trends that are affecting our business and the manner in which we are realigning our business to best compete.

I thank you for your continued focus during this challenging time, and I look forward to sharing more details about our strategic plan with you in the near future.


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